People you'll see in this class
- Firstly, you'll see me
My primary interest is neural systems.
My secondary interest is natural language processing.
I'm comfortable with and interested in any AI research, and
interested in other areas of computer science.
- Secondly, you'll see Mark Springett who is a member of the
Interaction Design Centre. He's giving the lecture in Week 7.
Mark is interested in a range of fields including interaction modelling,
usability evaluation, semiotics, knowledge capture and knowledge
- Thirdly, you'll see
Franco Raimondi.
He's giving the lecture in Week 9.
Franco is interested in
model checking for temporal logics, mulit-agent systems, modal logics,
and formal methods.
- You'll see each other. You may be each other's most important
- Other people may also appear, but none are scheduled.