- Ethnographic techniques were initially developed in sociology.
- Coming of Age in Samoa (1928) by Margaret Mead.
- I like Cresswell's statement on emphasising the everyday
experience of individuals.
- Revealing how people describe and structure their world.
- It uses observation, and in depth interviews.
- Again, it has a lot to do with holism.
- It seems like this methodology has some applicability to
Knowledge Management.
- It's a way of getting involved with the people who
are using the knowledge.
- They also think it's important for the researcher to be explicit
about their background and biases.
- The researcher should still try to overcome these biases, but
stating them is a start.
- Somewhat surprisingly I found that ethnography informs design
by revealing deep understanding of people and how they
make sense of the world.
- You can find out about local beliefs and perceptions.
- Problem oriented research.