Quality of the Question
- You really need a question that can be answered.
- You don't want a question like, "What is the best
knowledge representation format?"
- This has a lot of problems.
- How do you measure best?
- How do you even enumerate all possible knowledge representation
- On the other hand, you need a question that is
- A question like "Is XML a reasonable knowledge representation format?"
is pretty weak.
- The answer is pretty obviously yes.
- Herb Simon paraphrase. If you're working on a hard problem, if
you solve it, you actually get somewhere.
- How about, "Is XML a good knowledge representation format for
John Deere for tractors?"
- Tip 1: you can easily transform a statement into
a question.
- Tip 2: you can rewrite the question later.
- Tip 3: keep the question in mind while doing the rest of the