BIS 4407 Course Work Description, 2010/2011
The coursework is to write a roughly 5000 word hypertext essay on a
research topic in Data and Knowledge Engineering. The essay should include
a description of the research question that is being addressed and a proposed
method for answering the question.
The topic can be any research topic in the area of Data and Knowledge
and Engineering. It can be one of the topics of one of the week's
discussions, a part of one of those topics, or a topic of your own
interest. It does have to be in the area of Data and Knowledge
Engineering. If you are concerned that the topic is valid, please
feel free to discuss it with the module leader.
First Deadline: Week 12
A draft question and answer must be submitted at the end of week 12.
This should be at least 300 words but of course less than the 5000 words
for the final submission. Please submit this document to the student
office by the end of Week 12.
Marking Scheme:
percent | criterion |
3 | Quality of question |
3 | Quality of method for answering |
2 | Writingp |
2 | use of references |
Final Deadline: Week 24
In the final version, you should describe the state of the field
in the topic. You should provide a background, a description of the
current state, a description of methods, and a description of current
active research questions.
The essay needs to be written in some form of hypertext, and have
a linear translation. Typically this will be HTML, but an XML
document is also fine. The idea is to use hypertext as a non-linear
format to enable different readers to read the text differently, and a
given reader to read it differently at different times. It is entirely
acceptable to use an HTML generator, though linking different pages
can be difficult. A linear translation means that the whole essay
needs to be able to printed in one long document that makes sense. So,
the essay needs to come in two formats: (1) hypertext format, and (2)
traditional linear book format.
You also need to provide a cognitive map or mind map of the area
of the topic. A simple picture will do and it may be scanned from a
hand drawing.
The essay should explore a topic that interests you. You should
also use standard essay skills including critical thinking and good
Marking Scheme:
percent | criterion |
10 | from week 12 |
10 | use of hypertext and links |
10 | cognitive map |
10 | use of references |
10 | background of topic |
10 | description of state of topic |
20 | description of question |
20 | proposed method for answering question |
You can either submit the essay on a CD or other media, or you can put
it on the web and submit the URL; either way please submit a sheet of
paper stating your name, ID, word count and whether I can publish the
paper on the course web site. I would like to publish these essays on
line so that other's can look at them. If you are willing to have
this done, please say so on the submission sheet. If you would like
it to be anonymous, that would also be ok. Your mark will not show on
the web. Submit the essay to the student office, by the end of Week 24