BIS 2040 Outline
- Week 1, Feb. 5th: Introduction and Overview
- Week 2, Feb. 12th: Rule Based systems architecture and
programming in with rules
- Week 3, Feb. 19th: Forward and Backward Chaining and and-or
- Week 4, Feb. 26th: Knowledge Representation and Logic
- Week 5, Mar. 5th: Knowledge Representation: Semantic Nets.
- Week 6, Mar. 12th: Rule Based Systems Examples
- Week 7, Mar. 19th: Case Based Reasoning
- Week 8, Mar. 26th: Case Based Reasoning Example
- Week 9, Apr. 16th: Knowledge Engineering
- Week 10, Apr. 23rd: Frames and Expertise
- Week 11, Apr. 30th: Search Spaces and Unifying Themes and
Week 12, May. 1st: Bank Holiday Conclusion and Exam Review