Inference Engine
- The Inference Engine compares the rules to working memory.
- It picks a supported rule and fires it.
- There can be more than one supported rule, and this is
resolved by a conflict resolution
- For example if the rules look like
- if (Feature ?X colour green) and (Feature ?X type fruit) then
(Feature ?X subtype Watermelon)
- if (Feature ?X colour red) and (Feature ?X type fruit) then
(Feature ?X subtype Apple)
- and working memory says
(Feature X1 colour green), (Feature X2 colour red),
(Feature X1 type fruit).
- What rule is applied?
- What happens?
- A rule can be supported more than once.
- A fact can be used to support more than one rule.
- Undo the rule and add the working memory item
(Feature X2 type fruit).
- What rule is applied?
- Now what happens?