- If you've refined your problem into a search space, all you
need to do is search.
- Marvin Minsky, one of the four fathers of AI, thinks that
the key to solving AI is finding a better search method.
- Certain search techniques are appropriate for certain spaces.
- One type of search technique is called exhaustive search.
Examples of this are depth first search and breadth first search.
- Subgoaling (backward chaining) is a type of depth first search.
- When might this not be appropriate? (A state space with loops.)
- Another type of domain specific search is heuristic search.
Many rule based systems are simply this.
- Other types of search are hill climbing, simulated annealing,
minimax (for game playing), A*, and for that matter genetic
algorithms and multi-layer perceptrons.
- A related idea is the value of a state. If you can't do exhaustive
search, you might be able to search by
moving from the current state to the best next state.
You can have some look-ahead.
- What would be the value of the state of a tic-tac-toe game?
- What would be the value of the state of a chess game?
- How would you describe a stock portfolio with search spaces
and values.