- The simplest forms of logic are about true and false, and we're
only handling the simplest forms.
See the logic tables.
- You really need to know the connectives. They're pretty simple, and
I suspect you already know them implicitly if not explicitly.
- The next step in logic is predicates. These are functions
that don't have any side effects. Again, I expect you already
know these things implicitly if not explicitly.
- You can also use variables. Instead of using constants,
you can use variables to refer to sets. E.g. dog(x) refers
to all dogs; it's like a clips (dog ?x) LHS.
- You also need to know how to make English sentences into logic
- Now, you all already know this stuff, so why am I evaluating on
- Firstly, to make sure you do know it.
- Secondly, because it forms the basis of a lot of computer
science. (Prolog, functional programming, sets, theoretical
computer science, digital circuit design, even SQL)
See the logic lecture.