The purpose of this workshop is to:
familiarise the student with backward chaining. This includes
implementing a system, but stretches on to criticism of the
implementation of backward chaining.
- There are three files directly involved in this exercise.
The downloading instructions are complex, so read them
carefully if you have a problem.
- First, get the monkeys
and bananas clips file that I wrote. You have to
save it or the clipboard viewer may try to open it.
- Have a look at this code. It's not complex.
- You may want to try and run it in the standard clips, but
be careful as it loops.
- Step through it (run 1) to see what happens.
- Unfortunately, clips does not have backward chaining built
in. So, I wrote a version that does backwards chaining.
It involves a modified version of the clips executable, and rules
that implement the chaining. If you're interested in how I
implemented it see
Huyck's Implementation of Backward Chaining in Clips.
- Download the clips exe with an x suffix.
Make sure you save it as something.exe (e.g. chrisclips.exe).
Unfortunately, my old server didn't allow downloading of executable
files, clips exe,
so I've just renamed it.
- Download the backchaining rules
. Again
you have to save it. It's best to put all the files in
the same directory.
- Now run the executable. It's a clips dialog window with no
menu options.
- Load in the backchain and monkeys files (e.g. (load "monkeys.clp")).
- Now run it and you should get the backward chaining system working.