Installing CABot 2
- The CABot2 agent is an extension of the CANT23 system.
CANT23 is written in java. We've run CANT23 in several
versions of java, but the current version is from JDK 6
on windows.
- You can get the CANT23 and CABot1 code from the
tarred .
tar -xvf CABot2.tar. Other unzip packages (e.g. WINrar) should
also work.
- You need to compile CANT23, fastbind, utils, and cabot. There are
.bat files for each of theses compilebase.bat, compilefastbind.bat,
utils/compileutils.bat, and cabot1/compilecabot1.bat respectively.
You will probably have to change the paths in these bat files, or you
can use your own development enviornment (e.g Kawa).
- You then run the CABot2. There is a bat file provided, runcabot1.bat.
Note that CABot2 takes up a lot of memory and the -mx flag has to be
set as in the bat file. It does take up a lot less than CABot1.
- Once the 27 CABot nets are up, hit the start button on the base net,
and you should be able to running.
Running with the Crystal Space Game
- First clear old input to CS from CABot by going to the
../CANT23/CABot2/data directory and deleting cABotToCSCommand.txt
- Second invoke simple2 via ./simple2 from the bash prompt in the
CS directory.
- You can then type in a command like "Turn left." in simple2.
- Then run CABot2. Use the runcabot2.bat file or some other
- Hit the start button on the BaseNet menu.
- This should process and execute the command.
- You should then be able to execute further commands from